Academic work
As part of my academic work at various universities and my research projects at the University of Duisburg-Essen, I published several papers.
You can find an overview of my scientific publications on this site.

"I know they exist ..." Contexts of young people's encounters with Jewish life
outh growing up and living in the German migration society is characterized by cultural, religious and ethnic diversity. Adolescents are considered the most heterogeneous population group and show the greatest openness to this diversity compared to other age groups.The sociopsychological contact hypothesis assumes that positive contact experiences reduce prejudice and therefore understands multi-ethnic peer relationships as educational spaces. Despite ongoing criticism of this approach, initiatives of encounter and intercultural confrontation continue to be discussed in large parts of pedagogy as means for educational processes.

Challenges and Opportunities in Multifaith Educational Opportunities. Basic information on Islam and suggestions for dealing with Muslim children, young people and their parents.
Lamya Kaddor, Jörgen Nieland; ed. V. Ministry for Intergenerational Affairs, Family, Women and Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (The Integration Commissioner). Düsseldorf 2008