From Duisburg to Berlin
Duisburg has been my home and that of my family for 19 years. From the MSV to Mitte and from the Landschaftspark to the university, this city clearly shows: We can do more.
Every week in Duisburg is different, but one thing remains the same: I constantly meet committed Duisburgers who, with a lot of heart, make our city unique. I look forward to meeting every Duisburger who needs to talk to me as a member of the Bundestag.
Politics means participation by young and old. As your representative in the Bundestag, it is therefore important for me to find out what concerns the people of Duisburg have. I take the impulses from these conversations back to my work in the Bundestag. In addition, I would also like to explicitly invite you to visit me during my open office hours if you would like to know more about politics. I look forward to all questions, perspectives and the common exchange.
Please register in advance at lamya.kaddor.wk@bundestag.de.
I ask for your understanding that only pre-registered persons can participate in the discussions.
Next date: "Nachsitzen mit Lamya" on September 14th from 6 to 8 p.m.
Let's meet
Duisburg and the climate
Climate change - in two senses
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen are my political home. Climate change mitigation, sustainability, social justice and increasing diversity are challenges that I will take on together.
A healthy society cannot flourish in a destroyed nature any more than a destroyed society can flourish in a healthy nature. We need both. For this, we need answers that do justice to our democracy and the call for universal human rights. Helping to shape these two forms of change is my political goal as the spokesperson for domestic policy of the Green parliamentary group and as a member of parliament for Duisburg.
My work in the Bundestag is always shaped by the experiences and conversations I take with me from Duisburg and the opportunities Duisburg offers, which now need to be turned into future perspectives for the city.